MSNBC "The Ed Show" - Transcript: 2016 Presidential Election


Date: Sept. 15, 2014

SCHULTZ: The question remains as whether the Liberal base will vote for the kind of change Senator Sanders is talking about. He joins us tonight here on the Ed Show. Senator, good to have you with us.

Three town hall meetings in Iowa over the weekend, does that make you feel a little bit better about running for president? Where are you tonight, sir?

SANDERS: Well, I just want to thank the people of Iowa. The turnout was fantastic. In the morning, we couldn`t get more people in the door. We have about 450 people coming out to the meeting and asking great questions having a great discussion.

Look, Ed, what my perception is, in Iowa and throughout this country, is the America people are hurting. They want a real serious discussion on the real and serious issues facing our country which have a lot to do with why the middle class is disappearing while we have more people living in poverty than ever before and while at the same time, corporations are enjoying record breaking profits and the wealthy are doing phenomenally well. How does that happen? How do we change it? How do we make government work for the middle class and working families not just the 1 percent?

SCHULTZ: So, what did you hear in Iowa? Are the folks in Iowa concerned
about the things you consistently talk about and do they want you to run?

SANDERS: Well, Ed, you know, we talked to about 800 people in Iowa and that`s a state of three million people, so I can`t tell you I`ve talked to everybody in that state. But what I did hear is a real frustration that we don`t have leadership in this country that is standing up for people who are working longer hours for low wages, for families that can no longer afford to send their kids to college, no longer discussing why it is that America is the only country, major country, on earth that doesn`t provide health care to all of their people?

And I`ll tell you something, Ed, what got residents in every meetings that I`ve talked about and that is this disastrous Citizens United decision that allows the Koch brothers and other billionaires to buy elections. People are outraged about that. And let me just say this, this is not just a liberal or progressive issue. I think that across the board whether you`re a conservative, whether you`re a progressive, if you`re in the middle class, you know that there`s something wrong when since the Wall Street crashed, 95 percent of all the (inaudible) goes to the top 1 percent.


SANDERS: People think that`s not right.

SCHULTZ: Senator, what do you say to those who say that Hillary Clinton is unstoppable, unbeatable, too many resources, too much infrastructure and will go right to the nomination. What`s your response to that?

SANDERS: Look, Ed, what I say is somebody who has known Hillary Clinton, yes, I like her, I respect her. But I think, this country, Ed, every level needs serious debate not 30-second sound bites, not negative, not negative attack ends. Productivity has greatly expanded and yet incomes for working families are going down, why? Our trade policies, NAFTA, CAFTA, permanent normal trade relations in my view have been a disaster for working families. Others may disagree. Let`s debate that issue.

How do you address the fact that we have more income and wealth inequality that any other major country on earth? What`s the way forward? Should we address that issue? How do we move to a national health care program guaranteeing health care to all people? Is that a good idea? I think it is, others may disagree.


SANDERS: There`s so much to be discussed, Ed, and we`re not in this county about anointing anybody for a nomination.

SCHULTZ: Yeah. Quickly Senator, when is your next trip to Iowa?

SANDERS: I think in a couple of weeks actually now that you asked.

SCHULTZ: I think you`re seriously thinking about it. No doubt. Senator, good to have you with us tonight, I appreciate your time. Thanks so much.

SANDERS: Thank you, Ed.

SCHULTZ: You bet. That`s the Ed Show. I`m Ed Schultz.
